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Geometry In Construction

Geometry in Construction is an alternative approach to learning Geometry. The program is regionally recognized by the Des Plaines Valley Region School-College Alliance Best Practices. This course is unique due to the contextualized nature of the lessons. Each year, students take on different construction projects. During the 2015-2016 school year, the course was centered around the naturally occurring steps for designing and building a baseball press box. The 2016-2017 school year has been centered around building a park model house.

Students use construction concepts and see mathematics in context. Prior to construction, students created a scale model of the project using precise dimensions. Using the Geometry Pad iOS application, students are able to visualize shapes and calculate metrics. Students create presentations for various steps of the project as a reference guide for next year's students. Additionally, students invite members of the community to participate in Community Build days. On these days, anyone from the community can help with the construction. Contractors, carpenters and electricians offer their skills and enjoy working with the students.

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