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Athletes of the Week - Depakakibo, Salgado & Tanny (Cross Country)
Athlete of the Week - Luke Melendez (Football)
Congratulations RHS Girls Tennis – Upstate Eight Conference Champions!!
Athlete of the Week - Anna Yeshchenko (Girls Tennis)
Cheer Tryouts in October
Athlete of the Week - Andrew Paz Ponce de Leon (Cross Country)
Congratulations to Ola Lysanczuk of the Varsity Volleyball Team
Congratulations to Alex Witkowski & Nicola Covelli of the Varsity Soccer Team!
Athlete of the Week - Gabriella Grabowski (Girls Tennis)
Dance team tryouts being held on Oct. 29th & 30th 6:15pm-8:15pm
Athlete of the Week - Luke Melendez (Varsity Football)
Click here to see what was discussed at this years Freshman Family Night.