February 2025
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
It is time for 2025 Spring Conferences! We will offer conferences remotely via ZOOM this year; however, if you prefer to have an in-person conference with your child’s teacher, you can reach out directly to the teacher, and they will schedule an in-person conference on March 12th between 8:00-8:40 A.M with you. RHS families will have the opportunity to meet with students’ teachers, counselors, and social workers. Families will log into Skyward Family Access, click on their student’s schedule, and choose the teachers, counselors, and social workers they would like to meet with. Step-by-step instructions are at the end of this letter. Here is the date and time of conferences:
Thursday, March 13, 2025
1:00 to 8:00 P.M.
Registration will open starting February 13th and will close at 3:00 PM on March 11th. Once registration closes, you must contact the teacher directly to schedule a conference.
You will receive an email from DoNotReply@ridgenet.org with your conference schedule, which will include the Zoom link, on March 12th by 3:00 PM. *Please check your spam folder if you cannot find it in your inbox.
Current student grades will be accessible via our online student information system, Skyward. Please log into Skyward in advance of your conference to review and/or print your student’s grades.
Students are welcome and encouraged to participate in the conferences with their parents/guardians and to be an active part of the discussion about their academic progress. If, for any reason, you cannot make an appointment during these times, please reach out directly to our staff. Our teachers, counselors, and social workers would be happy to meet with you at a time that works for you. We look forward to talking with you and your student(s) at conferences.
Questions regarding Spring Conferences can be directed to the Division Head of Student Services, Katie Davis, at kdavis@ridgenet.org.
Scheduling Teacher Conferences in Skyward Family Access
To access this area, click on the Conferences Tab on the left hand side. To schedule a conference, log into Skyward as usual. From the home screen, click on the Conferences Tab.
Next, select the “All Conferences” hyperlink. This area allows you to schedule times for your conference as well as view scheduled conference times with your student’s teachers.
Scheduling Times
The top area is for Teacher Conferences. Your student’s schedule will appear. To schedule a time, under the Status column, click on the Select a Time hyperlink to schedule a time for the class/teacher that appears to the right. Another screen will appear with all available time spots, click on the Select hyperlink for the desired time. A confirmation screen will appear, click on Save. Repeat for all desired classes/teachers.
The bottom area is for Staff Conferences - this would be a counselor, social worker, etc. To schedule a time with a desired staff, other than a teacher, follow the same directions for scheduling a time with teachers.