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English Learners & School Within a School

English Learners (EL)

Ridgewood High School is dedicated to supporting English Learners (EL) through comprehensive English Language programming that includes a range of services and bilingual education options. Upon enrollment, every new student is required to complete a Home Language Survey, which helps identify potential English Learners. Those who qualify are then screened and provided with tailored EL services to support their language development per ISBE regulations. To monitor progress, all EL students must take the annual English language proficiency assessment, ACCESS, which informs placement decisions and instructional adjustments. Our commitment is to ensure that each EL student receives the necessary support to achieve proficiency and succeed academically, with annual placement evaluations based on ACCESS scores guiding their ongoing educational journey.


School Within a School (SWS)

Our School Within a School (SWS) program offers a unique and supportive alternative education option within our existing school framework, designed to help students achieve academic success and personal growth. This program provides tailored support for credit attainment and recovery.  SWS focuses on developing essential social and emotional skills and daily living skills to meet individual needs. Through a personalized and individualized approach with a flexible schedule, students work on building key skills, knowledge, and dispositions necessary for their future success. By offering a nurturing environment with customized learning strategies, SWS is committed to providing every student with the attention and resources they need to thrive academically and personally.


Please contact Agnes Stankiewicz with any questions:

Agnes Stankiewicz

Assistant Principal

ext. 1245

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