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Ridgewood Foundation


The Ridgewood Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit organization whose objective and purpose shall be the encouragement and educational advancement of the students of Ridgewood High School with the help and support of the community and the private sector.


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Foundation History

Today’s classroom is a busy, challenging, inviting place where faculty seeks to bring out the talents of their students through interactive, cooperative learning. Acknowledging changes in the learning environment became the impetus to create a foundation as a resource for the students.

Historically, the residents of District 234 have demonstrated a strong commitment to the education of the youth of our community. Today, more than ever, we need to honor our students and to encourage them to continue life-long learning.

In 2000, District 234 Board Members, envisioning students’ future needs, established the Ridgewood Foundation. Annual scholarships have been awarded to Ridgewood students for the continuance of their education at a community college, university/college, or post- secondary school. 

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Board of Directors

  • Paul Draniczarek, Permanent Director/Chairman
  • Jennifer Kelsall, Permanent Director/Vice Chairman
  • Tom Parrillo, Permanent Director/Treasurer
  • Joanna Skupien, Director
  • Judy Biancalana, Director
  • Ivana Di Piero, Director
  • Mary Bruscato, Director
  • Anthony Lupo, Director
  • Robert Lupo, Director
  • Sam Palazzo, Director
  • Tiffany Tannhauser, Director
  • Terry Schuepfer, Director/Secretary
  • Vince Fanelli, Director
  • Lou Mezzano, Director
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