Ridgewood has many outstanding alumni who have used their education and experiences to become successful, positive contributors to society. We believe that positive role models are extremely important in today’s world, and that these graduates of Ridgewood should be held up as models for today’s students. Consequently, the Ridgewood Foundation would like to honor Ridgewood alumni by establishing a Ridgewood Alumni Hall of Fame. Each year we will select alumni who meet the criteria below and honor them with a place in the Hall of Fame. The culminating activity for this occasion each year will be the Hall of Fame brunch, at which the newly nominated members of the hall will be honored and inducted. A permanent display of honorees has been established so that all students will be able to learn about these graduates.

You can reserve tickets at this link: https://ridgenet.revtrak.net/ridgewood-foundation/#/v/foundation-hall-of-fame-04-30-22